Pegasus Travel - Omaha


Stacy Beebee

How well did the overall service you received from Stacy Beebee meet your expectations? Rating: 10

How happy are you with the speed and efficiency at which you receive responses from Stacy Beebee? Rating: 10

How happy are you with the attention to detail and thoroughness from Stacy Beebee? Rating: 10

How likely would you be to recommend Stacy Beebee to a friend? Rating: 10

How likely are you to use Stacy Beebee to plan your next vacation? Rating: 10 - Great personal attention! 

- Michael K.

Kim Lortz

How well did the overall service you received from Kim Lortz meet your expectations? Rating: 10

How happy are you with the speed and efficiency at which you receive responses from Kim Lortz? Rating: 10

How happy are you with the attention to detail and thoroughness from Kim Lortz? Rating: 10

How likely would you be to recommend Kim Lortz to a friend? Rating: 10

How likely are you to use Kim Lortz to plan your next vacation? Rating: 10  

- Sheila P.

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