Bursch Travel - Gillette


Lorna Slattery

Lorna provided us with a "trip of a lifetime"!  Our trip to New York EXCEEDED all our expectations and we look forward to having her help us with our next bucket list check off!! She is absolutely the BEST. Thank you Lorna and Bursch Travel!!

- Joey M.

Darlene Walters

How well did the overall service you received from Darlene Walters meet your expectations? Rating: 10

How happy are you with the speed and efficiency at which you receive responses from Darlene Walters? Rating: 10

How happy are you with the attention to detail and thoroughness from Darlene Walters? Rating: 10

How likely would you be to recommend Darlene Walters to a friend? Rating: 10

How likely are you to use Darlene Walters to plan your next vacation? Rating: 10

- Craig G.

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